Skincare Trend in year 2022

Currently, in Thailand skincare market is rapidly grown in the big steps during the crisis period, due to most people work from home, all of them will have time to look after themselves. Self-implementation becomes one way of relaxation, it means one cosmetic’s brand can increase their sale revenue. And though there will be many crisis, the new brand owners interest to want to create their skincare creams and their cosmetics’ brands. Today Richway Cosmet will lead everyone to see the beauty trend of year 2022, what kinds of trends are coming, and what trends that we should bring to be idea for making skincare brand or cosmetic brand.

Facial skin care coverages the market share for 19% which come from the requirement of women to be glow and radiant even though no make-up. The anxiety of being old and any wrinkles, when women’s ages are getting more and more, consumers consider that a usage of skincare is the relaxation, and this is one of the reason why skin care becomes more popular.

Actually, the skin care products include moisturizer, serum and skin exfoliation products can be arranged best seller products, particularly, when most consumers are looking for the skin cares that have collagen, vitamin C or CBD to be their ingredients. Those types of products will be popularly searched at present by all consumers.

The natural ingredients products have more sales increased

Currently, trend of environmental lover becomes the current popular trend, dues to the consumers start to pay attention to anything that they eat and use on their bodies. According to the components of the beauty products and non-beauty products might have unrequired chemical substances and the mixtures of fillers.

These substances are dangerous for the users and environment as these types of substances cannot be absorbed by our bodies, therefore they become residue circulating in our bodies. Eventually, the consumers will consider to use any products more carefully though some groups might not interest but almost of consumers who care for the clean beauty will accept to pay in the higher price to get the good products for their bodies.

Many brand owners start to use “Green watching” marketing strategy, which we show clearly on the product’s label, these products made from nature, clean and green as well as is friendly to the nature. Apparently, some products do not reach to the criteria, this factor was raised and some brands were criticized that they took advantage from the consumers.

DIY Beauty

When the beauty shop become unnecessary business, many of beauty shops had to close down for many months during 2020, hence the consumers need to look after themselves at home. DIY goods trend become bigger, manicure tools, wax, liquid hair dyed, set of facial nourishment become more popular. Sales of hair removing product increase 97% and any products related to manicuring, the sale revenue were increased 175%.

Hand sanitizer that keeps your skin healthy

Hand sanitizers may not be a good match for beauty products, but many beauty brands are starting to develop more related beauty products. Because alcohol is the main ingredient that makes disinfection effectively. But there are side effects of cracked and dry hands. Therefore, it is an opportunity for hand washing gels to nourish skin to grow considerably in 2020.

Products that prevent acne from masks

Wearing a mask regularly for a long time is a common cause of acne breakouts. Especially acne from masks or masks, many brands have begun to develop products that prevent acne from masks. such as masks made from a variety of materials but can ventilate and prevent bacteria or skin care that helps in reducing acne.

Mask-friendly makeup products

People in many countries around the world wear masks when leaving their homes. People who love make-up therefore need to choose a mask-friendly make-up to use, which will not mess-up with the mask. When wearing a mask Our faces will be covered from the nose down. It’s an opportunity for eyes, lashes and brows to show off, so products like eyeshadows, blushes, false eyelashes, concealers and mascaras have become indispensable.

Scalp care started to get attention

As already mentioned, many consumers are increasingly interested in skin care. This interest extends to the hair and scalp as well. Trichology is the science of the scalp specifically. which was caused by a group of people who applied science to take care of the scalp

The basic idea is to create healthy hair growth. Reduce dry scalp problems Scalp beauty products such as scalp detox shampoos, conditioners, deep cleansing shampoos, serums, and caffeine-containing conditioners have been developed.

Diversity is coming

Although there are more makeup products available for different skin tones nowadays, it must be admitted that in the past, cosmetic brands tend to develop products for white women who are a minority in the market. But from now on, the hot trend is the variety of makeup for all skin types.

The variety of makeup is not only about color shades. but also, developed for different skin types, including sensitive skin, oily skin, dry skin and combination skin, there are products made for different needs.


The beauty trend, can be counted as one of the trends that the brand owners should regularly follow. Because it is a trend that can be changed all the time following the demand or life style of the consumers including the currents in each period. Because those current effects to the brands or products as well, such as environmental conservation, the consumers will also look for environmental friendly skincare products.


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