Make-up technic which will boost your physiognomy following your Zodiacs

Who will think, right now the beauty science can be used to boost the physiognomy to all the girls who want to be a luckier person. In this article, you will learn the make-up technic that can boost your physiognomy following your Zodiacs.

Aries (Mar 21st – Apr.19th).

The Aries girl is a straight forward person who is ready to fight back.  She is a modern girl who always updates with new trends and new items, including new fashion. If you want to know, who is a new kid in town or what is the name of a new movie, you can ask her. A confident girl like the Aries, the focus point of making up will be at her lips, she should paint her lips with dark pink or O rouge lipsticks, these colors will make her negotiation or conversation to be more charming and attractive as if she has a magic spelling.

Taurus (Apr.20th – May 20th)

A Taurus girl is an out-of-date girl, who is opposite to the Aries girl, she doesn’t interest in the trendy fashion. The Taurus girl loves simplicity and conservative way or fashion, she is not a social girl but she is a hard-working girl. So, the make-up style which is suitable to this girl should be really simple but can focus the brightness at her cheeks by using orange blush-on to attract persons who come to contact with her.

Gemini (May 21st – June 20th)

A Gemini girl has various moods in herself, she usually changes her style of dressing such as today she is a modern girl with the trendy fashion the next day she might wear a vintage dress and become so tidy. But Gemini girl is good at adjusting herself with surrounding and people. Her work should make her meet a lot of people, as she is easily bored with work. The Make-up style for the Gemini girl that will boost her aura should focus the natural look, use the color tones assimilated to the nature, such as drawing her eye-brow closed to the same color of her hair.

Cancer (June 21st – July 22nd)

Cancer girl is a hot temper, sensitive and hard to handle girl, think too much and nervous, she is fear in everything. She is not a fashionable nor chic person. Her make-up will focus at her red lips, so the red lipstick will be a must item of this Cancer girl, in order to increase her charm and attractiveness.

Leo (Jul. 23rd – Aug 22nd)

A Leo girl is an outstanding girl who loves perfectionism. Wherever she goes, there should be the light shines on her, she loves to be an outstanding person, she never let herself to look bad, she must be perfect and beautiful all the times. But actually, she is a clumsy person, though her appearance always look good. So, the right make-up to increase her charms and her luck will focus on her bright cheeks, using the pinky blush-on will make her look friendly and more attractive.

Virgo (Aug. 23rd – Sep. 22nd)

A Virgo girl will not focus on fashion, she is so polite and tidy girl among 12 Zodiac girls, she focuses on a perfect dressing but quite out-of-date person who is a shy and not a social girl. She loves to live quietly. The make-up that is suit to this Virgo girl, will start by using the right foundation and make a perfect applying all around her face as perfect as her dressing.

Libra (Sep. 23rd – Oct 22nd)

A Libra gal is a girl who loves in beautiful things like a real lady, she doesn’t like anything hustling or bustling things, but she loves to make a nice conversation and can talk in every matter excepts, any matter which will cause a conflict. The make-up technic for this Libra girl, she should focus around her eyes, she can use every tone of the eye shadows.

Scorpio (Oct. 23rd – Nov. 22nd)

A Scorpio girl is a stubborn girl, she is an extreme person. She has ideology in life, she is a serious person, as soon as you become her friend, she will love you and hang out with you and never abandon you. But if you cannot get along with her and become an enemy of her, you should be aware of her. For the make-up of this Libra girl should focus at her eyes, draw the great eye liners either black or brown, this will make her to be more attractive and more charming to other people.

Sagittarius (Nov. 23rd – Dec 22nd)

A Sagittarius girl loves travelling, making a journey, she loves to hang around among men more than girls, she is quite friendly and gets along with other people easily. Consequently, with her characteristics might cause misunderstanding to many men that she will like them, actually, she doesn’t take any serious with anyone. She doesn’t like to work repetitively, she can walk out from that type of work easily. But if her work allows her to travel very often that will be the work that match her. The make-up that is suitable for this Libra girl should focus at her lips, and she should paint her lips with pink, peach or pastel colors in order to increase her charisma and more outstanding.

Capricorn (Dec. 23rd – Jan 22nd)

A Capricorn girl is a conservative girl, her career might generate less income but it is stable, she feels fine. Therefore, a government officer will be a match for this zodiac girl. The Capricorn girl is a workaholic person, work and duty come first, achievement in her career is a priority in her life. As a workaholic girl, will make her look not bright and tired all the times. So, when make-up, she should focus around her eyes, concealer is a must have item for her to cover her black eyes, them touching with nice eye shadows to make her eyes look more beautiful and charming.

Aquarius (Jan 23rd – Feb 22nd)

An Aquarius girl is an empathy person who usually has compassion and sympathy to other people, she cares everyone around her, she loves fairness and justice, she doesn’t like to see anyone to be taken advantage, and most of all, she is a sensitive girl, as well. The Aquarius girl is an emotional person and never keeps promise, she will do when she wants to do, and she will ignore when she feels like she doesn’t want to do.  For the Aquarius girl, an important cosmetic item that she should stock a lot, is the various colors blush-on.

Pisces (Feb. 23rd – Mar. 20th)

A Pisces girl is a dreaming girl, she has various ideas and doesn’t like to be in a real world, she creates her fantasy world. Though she has many ideas but not every idea she can make it happen. The suitable work that will fit her is creative work such as song composer, artist, designer, etc. She is an artistic and emotional person, her mood swings up and down, whoever becomes her boyfriend must be a high patient guy. For the make-up style that matched to this girl must focus at around her eyes. Eye shadows are the beauty cosmetic item that she can’t lack of, remember don’t use too colorful eye shadows, as they are not good for the Pisces girl.



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