Get to know Spam, online disturban behavior

Today let us take you away from cosmetics and skincare to discuss general information, which is very important for everyone. I believe many people might have heard about “SPAM”, everyone might experience spam attacks at your mails once in a while, particularly, in the world of Social Media, spam is getting close to you.

What is Spam?

Spam’s definition based on Collins COBUILD Dictionary explains as follows; “To spam people or organizations means to send unwanted emails to a large number of them, usually as advertising.” And currently, Spam is not limited only to email channels but it’s also included other channels such as all social media platforms.

What will the Spam sender get after sending spam to other receivers?

Have you ever had this question? Actually, Spam is an irritating behavior more than it makes people interested. But why people still spam to others, the easiest principle, spam is the format of advertising in low budget but easily to be seen, it emphasizes in the quantity, the sender sent spam to receivers more than hundreds. Possibly, there should be someone who falls in the trap. The more they sent messages to receivers the more opportunity that they could give people access to their products. Most people who saw the messages, first reaction, “delete” immediately!

How does the spam sender know the addresses of the receivers?

Normally, it’s not easy to collect the addresses of receivers in a big amount, if those receivers are famous people, it might be easier to find their addresses but for the ordinary people or general people, it won’t be easy to find their addresses/their accounts, including the personal accounts from the applications, which are able to send the messages to them such as Line, WhatsApp or Instagram, etc. Those applications, the personal account of the user is not easy to search for but in case that user used to buy any products or communicate via those applications, sometimes their personal information will be collected and be sold to some businesses without asking permission, which is illegal. 

The easy ways to protect being spammed

There are no specific ways to protect everyone from being spammed a hundred percent, but there are some ways to take a less risk of being spammed  as follows:

  • Do not use your official  email or your important  email to apply any services on-line. At present, every service requires your email and password before submitting your application. You’d rather use your spare email to apply those services, which will be less risky.
  • Whenever you receive messages from spam email, don’t click to see at the attached link, spam send will take this chance to collect your personal details. To respond to those emails will be long-term spammed.
  • Try not to disclose your personal information on-line if not necessary . Because the on-line world is not beautiful, there is a mixture between good and bad people. Your personal info. will appear on the list of spam senders.
  • personal data via the code of spam that they were buried there.Don’t use the rights violation software or application , as possibly, spam might be buried or hidden inside those applications or softwares, and that will be the chance for them to collect your

 From the above mentioned, you will see spam will be around you , and it is not too scary but the impact will be more than you think. To get to know it might be better. “One who knows the enemy and knows himself will not be in danger in a hundred battles.”

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