Acne Products

Acne Facial Foam

Acne Facial Foam

The product for facial cleaning is Acne Facial Foam for anyone who has acne problem, with the qualifications of bamboo leaves and olive leaves will be able to reduce the bacteria collecting, oily control soothes our skin and helps in exfoliating the skin, which causes pores’ clogging. This foam can clear all acne problems with the natural actives as well as reduce the collecting of bacteria, oil control, exfoliate the skin, soothing the facial skin to be smooth and glow.
Acne Serum

Acne Serum

Acne Serum will be good for anyone who has acne problems and occurs continuously, which is caused by bacteria, oily face, or inflammation from acne. This serum will stop the main causes of acne, its qualifications will be able to stop the exceeding oil and reduce the acne inflammation. Additionally, Sodium Shale Oil Sulfonate will have qualifications in stopping P.acne and other bacteria, so it can kill any diseases widely.
Acne Lotion

Acne Lotion

The acne lotion will be able to heal the skin for anyone who has acne problems and able to heal the inflammation of acne, reduce the collecting of bacteria, oil control, soothe the skin, and support the peeling of acne rapidly. This lotion reduces the thickness of the skin, reduces clogging, and is able to exfoliate the upper surface skin as well as against the bacteria which will cause acne.
Acne Compound Cream

Acne Compound Cream

Acne compound cream is a product for anyone who has a problem with inflammatory acne and pustules. With its qualification that extracted from shale will have the efficiency to kill for all microorganisms, it also is able to reduce acne inflammation, redness, reduce the oiliness on the face and itchiness caused by acne. The acne compound cream can increase moisture, restore and repair the skin to be stronger after the inflammation. This acne compound cream can exfoliate the skin, reduce clogging, stop the creation of ant-oxidation and reduce dried skin or allergic skin.
Acne Soap Red

Acne Soap Red

Red gel facial soap, for anyone who has acne problem, this soap will be able to clean the skin together with reducing the acne inflammation, the collecting of bacteria, it’s able to exfoliate the skin both upper and lower skin surface, stimulate the production of the skin cells to replace the problematic skin. Furthermore, this red gel facial soap is able to increase moisture, soothe and smooth our skin, stimulating the production of the skin cells and protecting the sensitive skin.
Acne Soap Pink

Acne Soap Pink

Pink gel facial soap for anyone who has acne problem, this soap will be able to clean the skin together with reducing the acne inflammation, the collecting of bacteria, it’s able to exfoliate the skin both upper and lower skin surface, stimulate the production of the skin cells to replace the problematic skin. Furthermore, this pink gel facial soap is able to increase moisture, soothe and smooth our skin, stimulating the production of the skin cells and protecting the sensitive skin.