Doing the Impossible “30 Shades in 30 Seconds”

One of the most remarkable and groundbreaking aspects of AR is that it allows users to try on dozens of products in seconds, an experience that would be impossible during the traditional product testing experience. Estée Lauder’s first implementation of Perfect Corp.’s virtual try-on solutions offered customers the magic of being able to try “30 Lipstick Shades in 30 Seconds.” Presently, lipstick aficionados can virtually try on every shade in Estée Lauder’s Pure Color Envy lipstick range with the brand’s Virtual Artist Tool. In real life, trying 30 shades in even 30 minutes would be unlikely, as the lips would become too tender from the cycle of applying and then removing lipstick so many times. The same is true for just about any cosmetic—and even more so with something as time-consuming and as difficult to reverse as dying your hair.

“Customers see exactly how a color will look on them.”  says Marwan Zreik, Vice President at American International Industries, “They can instantly change their hair color from pink to blue to green to red to purple. This allows them to choose the perfect color for their own personal style.”

AI-powered Beauty Tech Enables Personalized Skin Analysis

Beauty Tech has advanced and evolved beyond just the virtual makeup try-on experience, and Perfect Corp. has now developed tech solutions across makeup, men’s grooming as well as skincare. By incorporating Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology, Beauty Tech has become smarter and more advanced. Using machine learning and deep learning algorithms, Beauty Tech can now provide skincare customers with product recommendations personalized to their individual skin types and concerns.

Recommended Reading: we have a whole article showing everything you’ll need to know about AI skin analysis technology – Use AI for Skin Analysis and Ultra Personalization

High-definition cameras combined with AI-powered processing allow consumers to use their own smartphone as a skin diagnostic tool accessible anytime, anywhere. A typical use case is offering an online ‘skin doctor’ experience—accessible 24/7— that can assess one’s skin concerns and grade them professionally in terms of severity in real-time. The AR technology can then create multiple layers of overlay images to show the exact location of wrinkles, fine lines, spots, uneven texture, and acne. For the very first time, consumers can receive a precise objective evaluation of their skin condition without visiting the dermatologist. Brands can integrate these tools across their digital channels to provide customers with a skin assessment and customized product regimen based on those results.

Similar technologies have also been deployed within retail environments. The advancement of AI Skincare over the past 12 months has been tremendous. With Perfect Corp.’s AI Skin Diagnostic Technology, consumers can obtain a personal skin analysis across 14 skin concerns, including:

  • Spots, Wrinkles, Moisture, Redness, Oiliness, Acne, Texture, Dark Circles, Eye bags
  • Skin Firmness, Droopy Upper Eyelid, Droopy Lower Eyelid, Radiance, Visible Pores

With AI skin analysis, it is extremely important to ensure that the diagnostic results are verified by dermatologists and skincare experts. Thus, Perfect Corp. also collaborated with experts in the field to ensure the AI skincare technology can provide accurate, meaningful, and validated results to skincare shoppers.

Thanks to collaborative partnerships with skincare brands like Marianna Naturals, Perfect Corp.’s AI skincare service can be trusted by brands and consumers alike. Since launching is AI Skin Analysis experience, the brand has seen a +300% increase in time spent on site and a +30% increase in sales.

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